Accédo software

Hotel solutions



Software for the management of systems technology, particularly suitable for hotels, residences, guesthouses or bed&breakfast. Client-servers’ architecture with HTML5 server functionality. Programming of transponder cards for access control, presence detection and (optional) electronic money functionality. Automatic import of ETS projects with easy and intuitive creation of graphic pages, drag&drop functionality, advanced copy/paste and undo/redo. Integrated control of calendars, scenarios and schedules. Interface to other communication protocols such as BACnet, Modbus, M-Bus, etc.


  • EK-ACC-L15 Software License up to 15 reader
  • EK-ACC-L30 Software License up to 30 reader
  • EK-ACC-L50 Software License up to 50 reader
  • EK-ACC-L100 Software License up to 100 reader
  • EK-ACC-L200 Software License up to 200 reader
  • EK-ACC-LC Client License for additional programming workstation
Functions / Features
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3.3 GHz or higher
  • RAM memory: min. 8 GB
  • SSD: 240 GB
  • Resolution: Full HD
Configurationa and commissioning
Software Acc
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