Tue, 14 May 2019

Ekinex wall mount products, '71 series: now also in rectangular version suitable for box 503

Ekinex wall mount products for Form, Flank, 'ND, Deep and Surface series: are available also in rectangular version.

The rectangular version of Ekinex push-button panels, thermostats and plates has been specifically designed to fit into the traditional 503 flush-mounted boxes, most common in Italy. All models are available in various finishes (plastic, metal, fenix NTM) and colors that can be matched to suit your taste and needs.


FORM: elegant and refined with an ultra-thin frame

FLANK: simple accompanied by the characteristic side edges

‘NF: the essential that makes the compactness a distinctive element

DEEP: versatile and suitable for any environment

SURFACE: it creates a continuum with the wall in a few millimeters thick

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